AI Driven Meetingrooms

Automatically remove Ghost meetings - Flexspace

With Neowit flexspace the meetingrooms automaticly removes the bookings when no-show`s!

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The leading all-in-one Workspace and Building Platform

One platform to rule them all. From workspace management, analytics and reports to building management!

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Your employees have never had it easier

Real-time view of your office!

Users can from any mobile device or PC see a live view of their office space!

Less time - More efficent!

Book desks and meetingrooms with few clicks!

Click the space you want and select your time!

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Take decisions based on actual data!

See space utilization based on actual data!

Which floor is most populare, what type of meetingrooms are mostly used or what areas is most populated - get your insights now! PowerBI integrated! 

Integrate your exsisting technologies

Open platform

By using existing integrations or even our custom integration functunallity you are able to integrate whatever technology that can give you data about our office or building!

Videoconferencing as sensor

UC as a sensor!

We integrate with known brands such as Poly, Crestron, Cisco, Logitech and Neat!

Connecting People Buildings and Data

Neowit Building

Real-estate owners today wants to go from reactive to proactive facility management! Check out what we do and learn more!


Other good stuff



We are not a regulary workplace application, it is just a part of our building platform!



Start with a module and scale over time! Our platform is built for scalability and to fit the enterprise needs



We already integrate with the leading brands in the world. If you are missing anything or in the future get a new technology, Users can at any given time use our "custom integration" to add any device or technology to the platform


Intuitive User Experience

The user is key! We have a strong focus on user experience on every aspect of our platform! When users love it, the adoption goes easy!

Software that truly empower sustainability, efficency and employee satisfaction!